Queue Management


Customers dislike waiting in long queues. If they feel they are waiting too long at your firm for service, they will either leave the line prematurely or not return to your firm the next time they need service. This will reduce customer footfall and eventually revenue and profit. More so reduction of the waiting time usually requires extra investments. With Queue management  solutions our partner company Qmatic we help to make sure this investment of yours is worthwhile.

The benefits of Queue management  are significant. In the short term sales and productivity can increase up to 30% and costs decrease up to 30%.  Queue management  also increases customer and staff satisfaction. It creates a relaxed atmosphere with a controlled and fair waiting process.

Furthermore, it generates data and insights to drive ongoing business improvements on a long term perspective.

The most overwhelming proof of concept for Queue management  is the empirical evidence from the retailers, banks, hospitals and public service centers  that have already applied solutions with successful results. Over time, the approach has proven itself in a number of ways:

  •  It is substantiated: it has existed and been developed for more than 29 years
  •  It is market independent: it has been successfully applied in more than 122 countries
  •  It is industry independent: it has been applied in numerous industry sectors all over the world
  •  It is thoroughly tested: there are a minimum of 51,800 solutions implemented worldwide
  •  It is well accepted by users: it is estimated that 1.8 billion users, a quarter of the world’s population, pass through the systems every year

A full range of systems and solutions

  •  Modular and configurable
  •  Call forward
  •  Single queue
  •  Multi queue
  •  Single branch
  •  Multi-branch, centralized
  •  Standalone solutions
  •  Integrated solutions
  •  Web based
  •  Wireless solutions
  •  Customer identification and guidance
  •  Appointments
  •  Skill based routing and Matchmaker
  •  SMS
  •  Media solutions, digital signage and messaging
  •  Management information and dashboards
  •  Customer feedback solutions
  •  Partner integration
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